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August 30, 2011

Lost Footage

Hey Guys! I found a little clip that I threw together from a few years ago. I was coaching the Spring in the Park Camp  in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, and a Czech ski magazine that I had worked with before came out to visit and do a little interview, so in my lunch breaks I did a little shooting with them for the 2 days that they were there. I'll post the cut I made of me, and then the short clip that the guys from the magazine threw together for themselves, of me and my campers. All in all it was great camp, and I'm always stoked to be a part of it! If you would like to czech out (see what i did there?) the magazine, you can do so at! Enjoy!

Summer Feast

I got the chance to join the Downdays crew on their trip to the Sumer Feast, which is a camp in Bispingen, Germany. Bispingen is near Hamburg, and we went in the Downdays van, so the trip was a long one, but well worth it! It was the coolest, most hightech indoor ski hall that I have ever been to. The park was pretty big, and there was a 6-man chairlift to shuttle everybody to the top. The park in the hall was open from 11am to 9 pm, so needless to say, there was alot of skiing done everyday. I didn't get many pictures, because when I wasn't busy shredding, I was checking out the surfing wave, slackline, and mini-ramp outside the hall, but I will post what I was able to snap. Enjoy!

Some of the Park.

The one action shot that I got - the camera DID NOT like the lighting inside of the hall.

It was pretty trippy to come out of the hall, and see this everyday.

Before we left, we had to get a shot with the Downdays Bus.
Me, Jonee, Flo Hinterlang, Basti Faerber. And who can forget the man behind the camera on this one Mr. Christian Woerndl.

ISPO Majesty Skis Preview

I came across an interview that I did for Downdays TV during the ISPO, back in January. I know that it is a little out of date, but It's a pretty cool sneak peak at the newest skis coming up in the Majesty Skis Lineup for 2011/2012. Check it out! 

Spring in the Park

This season I was lucky enough to return to the Spring In The Park Camp, in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. It was a really fun time, and I got to see alot of old friends who I hadn't seen in a while. 

I can't really say much, other than - It was a super sick 2 weeks of shredding, friends, bowling, and great food at the K2 Lodge. A big thank you to Basti Hage, and Geiger & the park crew. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story!

The Park Was Amazing This Year!

Bad Weather Day, Jibbing The Small Stuff.

Again, Jibbing The Small Stuff.

After A Good Touchdown, Can I Victory Dance?

Hit A Feature, Hike Back Up.

One of my Favorite Tricks, Shifty 180.

Me, Flo Kirch, and My Little Brother Kelly.

Train Ride Down, Tired After A Long Day.

Enjoying the Beautiful Weather and Aptmosphere.

Ruth and Bartosz, Hanging out.

The Mountain Has A Train That Goes Inside Of It And All The Way To The Top. Pretty Cool, And We're Waiting For It.

Demo Tents. Fun To Set Up, Twice As Fun To Tear Down...Not.
That's about all the photos I was able to get. I spent most of the time riding, but then again, with such a sick park, so many friends and good weather, who wouldn't?

Again, I would like to thank the guys who ran the camp for sorting me out while I was there, and to thank the good people at Majesty Skis for giving me the excellent gear to shred the mountain with. I'll try to check back in Soon!